Wednesday, August 31, 2005

a "Wicked" good time

(a note to my loyal readers - you WILL be seeing this entry title again LOL)

Christmas came early today for me :)

John purchased two tickets for us to see Wicked at the Boston Opera House. I had told him that it was really all i wanted for christmas from him. Conveniently - he got them through work. . WOO HOOO :)

front mezzanine or orchestra seats. .. i could dance :) :)

granted. . they are a christmas present and i DO have to wait until May 7 to see it - but i still HAVE Them. . .oh wait. . i don't physically have them either. . hmm LOL


THANK YOU HONEY.. i love you!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

my hot boy of the day!!!

oh YUM. . nothing better than a baseball player that sings. . . .okay well i'm partial to THIS particular baseball/guitar playing gent. ..

bronson arroyo. . .

cornrows and all :)

kerrin brought up his cd on friday and i burned a copy. LOVE LOVE LOVE his cover of dirty water. . . . especially with the addition of johnny damon et al. as it is the unofficial anthem of the team. . ya gotta love it right???

Tagged - Part Deux

my buddy Julie tagged me again today. . so i'm posting 5 more :) :)

1. i'm a SUPER fast reader - ex. I read harry potter 6 in about 6 hours - i think that's pretty fast!!

2. i have an older brother but most people who've just met me, or never met him. . would never know it. . .we're not on good terms

3. i treat my kitty (belle the wonder cat) like she's a child. . . some would say it borders on unhealthy :)

4. i am SOOO lazy about my hair. .i hardly EVER do it. .unless i'm going "out"

5. i almost failed gym in high school. . (my mom actually DID fail in high school. . so i come from a long line of non-gym types :) )

that was fun . .thanks julie :)

Rejection. . Failure. . and other not so nice words

Failure is NEVER fun. . . duh right?? Well, I once again experience rejection and failure. Why do I bother trying anymore???

They announced the top 10 finalists for the scrapbook stand DT. I’m definitely NOT one of them. I actually fooled myself into thinking I had a good chance at this. I didn't even tell anyone about entering. One of my goals is to be on a design team for a monthly kit. Looks like that goal is going in the trash. . .along with my publishing goals.

Maybe I just don’t have what it takes…. Maybe I’m just not strong enough, consistently good enough to make it. Hell, I’ll be honest. . I don’t really want to even “make” it. I just want to have fun. . and for me. . fun is making pages, and in turn making design teams and getting published. No one really understands that part of me. John tells me that I should remember that I’m doing this for fun. .but the fun part goes hand in hand with the design team stuff and the publishing. .. i wish people would GET that. . . .

I give up. .i really do.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

more randomness!!!

this is kinda funny. . i stole this from a cool chick's blog (hope she doesn't mind!!)

what you do is go to google and type in your first name with is (in quotes) so it looks like this: "amanda is" then write down the first ten responses:

Amanda is never going to amount to anything . . hmm kind of an auspicious way to start this little exercise LOL

Amanda is always on the lookout for things that can be recycled. – nope. . .sorry

Amanda is so great in it – well yes I know. . thank you. .IN WHAT???!!??

amanda is 5 stories tall and is one of the oldest buildings in my city – who knew??

Amanda is conservative, the kind of teenager who has never violated her curfew. – I definitely was like this in high school lol

Amanda is suffering from a mysterious degenerative medical condition – yikes!!

Amanda is scared of everything that can happen to crush her dreams. – aren’t we all??

AMANDA is optimized to take advantage of tape drives – what does this even mean??

Amanda" is an acronym for "Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver – ah. . that answers the above :)

Amanda is the author of two books and has written feature articles – I’m famous!!!

do yours and share :)

The Incredible Shrinking Woman!!

okay okay not really LOL but i keep trying to come up with creative titles for my weight loss posts :) :)

i was down 1.2 pounds last night. . . i am 2.8 pounds away from my 10% goal that WW sets for you.

I can't even tell you how HUGE this is for me. it seemed virtually unreachable 13 weeks ago.. and yet, here I am. . .

what's different this time?? is it that i'm motivated?? i don't know what it is. . . but i'm not changing anything ROFL :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Blog Tag!!!

i kinda stole this (ROFL) but i'm going to do it anyway. . .

Post 5 random facts about yourself on your blog:

okay here are mine

1. i have 2 tattoos and a nose piercing - and people tell me all the time that i don't seem like the "type" for such things :)
2. i MUST turn the radio off before shutting my car off. .and it has to be on a certain station. . i kinda freak if dh turns the engine off before i do my "thing" and make him turn it back on
3. i have to sleep on my tummy with my left leg sticking out from under the covers - i don't stay like this at all but i have to start like this at night
4. i am, to this day, terrified of the michael jackson "thriller" video. . so much so that i cannot watch it. .no matter what. . and vincent price's laugh at the end. . .ugh
5. i was known in college as the kissing bandit :) hehe

okay now if you read this. .you have to do it too. . so post here and link your entry :) :) :)

have fun!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

OH the shame!!!!

I have a dirty little secret – I LOVE Jessica Simpson. I think she’s gorgeous and funny. And I LOVE her new version of the song “these boots are made for walking”. I feel dirty – I should wash.

Although. . .when I really think about it. . I’m not embarrassed at all by this. ..LOL.

When Newlyweds first started on MTV I watched it, because I’m a reality show junkie. However, I realized quickly that I really enjoyed watching Jessica and Nick’s relationship.

Maybe it’s because it reminds me and John of OUR relationship. I have never questioned the validity of the title “chicken of the sea” however, the following sentence DID come out of my mouth – “what kind of meat is corned beef?” Yes folks, my very own Jessica Simpson moment. This is why John occasionally calls me Jessica. granted she's way prettier than me. . but i can identify with her. . . (although not when she spends 700.00 on underwear LOL :) )

Anyway. I really do like her. .and I do like her music – maybe it’s because she doesn’t take herself seriously – which I appreciate.

Who knows why. . but there you have it. . my dirty secret for Thursday!!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Sticky notes that aren't. . {and other Friday randomness}

yeah so I was uber-excited about my cool sticky notes from the Target $1 Spot. . . pink and brown and orange squares and 3 shades of blue w/ a lime green middle circle shapes. . *swoon*

i kept forgetting to bring them to work and i finally did. . i had the opportunity to use them today. . they DON'T STICK - WTF is that about. . . . my mom always says you get what you pay for. .. apparently this is the truth (please don't tell mom she's right !!)

in disgust i threw them away. .now they're sitting in my trash all sad looking

in other news - another big WTF goes to the Stonehill College athletic people. . . . hello?? I graduated as a Chieftan. . . no effing way am i becoming a "skyhawk". ... Stonehill has changed it's mascot to the Skyhawk. . .a nod to the fact that the Ames family had an airport on what is today Stonehill (by the Sem for anyone interested :) where i spent a torturous freshman year living :) ) read about it here - i'm horrified. .oh yeah. .the bird looks fierce. the words of Cher from Clueless - as if!!! gotta be honest - the only thing that saved the purple and white from being. . well. . . kinda . you know. . was the Chieftan part. . .now. .not so much (although i said a quick thanks that we weren't switched to the purple waves or the shovelers or some such nonsense. . i don' t think i could have coped with the shame)

okay. .now that i've ranted about 2 meaningless things. . i think i'm done. . . oh wait. ..hehe i was down 2.2 pounds this week. . for a total of 23 pounds lost :) :) wahoo :) :)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

CKU!!! (and other things)

They announced the locations for CKU for 2006.. . . . boston is one of them YAY :) :) last cku i was busy getting married and then CKU-A in CT just fell at a bad time financially for us. . so i'm super excited that I'll get a chance to go

it's a CKU-Masters and Linda and I already have our room reserved (thanks to her :) :) ) I'm VERY excited. . . it's next august. . so i'm already booked for that. . . nothing is getting in my way :) :)

we got back from NY successfully (and got there successfully minus the fact that the trip took DOUBLE the time due to a tractor trailer pile up on the pike :( booo!!!) the wedding was beautiful. . and my brother in law nate snapped a great pic of me and john. . which is now my avatar over at 2 peas. . . (i've never had one before :) )

i did a layout yesterday/last night that i'm really happy with. .i'm not sharing it yet b/c i want to see if anyone wants to publish it (yeah right LOL) :) i'm sure ya'll will be seeing it soon!

oh and wendi has the september kit up for pre order at her site . . . I am one of the guest designers for Sept. (and LINDA'S another one :) hehe) so i cannot wait to get his kit and PLAY :) :)

i think that's about it. . i had my first gain on the scale last wednesday :( which really devestated me 1.2 pounds :( :( :( :( hopefully tomorrow night will be better. . but i'm not sure. . i drank a lot at the wedding (hello dirty shirly temples :) ) so we'll see!!

have a great day!!!

Monday, August 01, 2005

{inspiration wherefore art thou??}

(note: yes i know wherefore doesn't mean where. . . KERRIN lol)

so. . .i have no scrapping mojo. . i have the DESIRE to scrap. . but no inspiration/motivation. . .can you help a sistah out?? anyone?? please. . i'm DESPERATE :)

on another note - dan and michelle asked me to be joshua's godmother. .. HELLZ YEAH :)

lol :)