Sticky notes that aren't. . {and other Friday randomness}
yeah so I was uber-excited about my cool sticky notes from the Target $1 Spot. . . pink and brown and orange squares and 3 shades of blue w/ a lime green middle circle shapes. . *swoon*
i kept forgetting to bring them to work and i finally did. . i had the opportunity to use them today. . they DON'T STICK - WTF is that about. . . . my mom always says you get what you pay for. .. apparently this is the truth (please don't tell mom she's right !!)
in disgust i threw them away. .now they're sitting in my trash all sad looking
in other news - another big WTF goes to the Stonehill College athletic people. . . . hello?? I graduated as a Chieftan. . . no effing way am i becoming a "skyhawk". ... Stonehill has changed it's mascot to the Skyhawk. . .a nod to the fact that the Ames family had an airport on what is today Stonehill (by the Sem for anyone interested :) where i spent a torturous freshman year living :) ) read about it here - i'm horrified. .oh yeah. .the bird looks fierce. the words of Cher from Clueless - as if!!! gotta be honest - the only thing that saved the purple and white from being. . well. . . kinda . you know. . was the Chieftan part. . .now. .not so much (although i said a quick thanks that we weren't switched to the purple waves or the shovelers or some such nonsense. . i don' t think i could have coped with the shame)
okay. .now that i've ranted about 2 meaningless things. . i think i'm done. . . oh wait. ..hehe i was down 2.2 pounds this week. . for a total of
Your blog always make me laugh. Sorry about the post it notes. I saw them and loved them the other day! I'm glad that I didn't buy them. Congrats on the weight loss. That is awesome.
I think they have to change their mascot in order to qualify for NCAA tourneys, which won't allow American Indians to be detrimentally portrayed. Political correctness over-zealousness.
Jenn Owen
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