Wednesday, September 28, 2005


from last week's gain.. .i was up 1.4 last week. . this week i was

down 1.2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not as much as i would have liked. . but i'll take it!!!

Guess who's back....back again. . .

IT'S ME :) :) :)

i just remembered i had a blog. . ROFL . . just kidding about that .. but life's been busy since last week!!

i spent the majority of the weekend on the couch resting (save the trip to the mall with kerrin on Sat. and the trip into boston on sunday for john's bday dinner) and on drugs ... okay okay just muscle relaxants .. but i liked them LOL

yeah so not much is going on at this point..

oh WAIT. .

John got a promotion :) woo hooo I am so so so proud of my husband I can't even believe it. it's a pretty big promotion too (not that i would even PRETEND to understand what he's doing .. something BIG. . and in security LOL) it comes with vacation time, personal/sick days, and a pretty nice raise. Granted .. we're not going to be living in the lap of luxury. . BUT it will make things easier :) :)

YAY john. . i'm so proud of you honey :)

so yeah. . that's about it. belle the wonder cat broke 2 more slats on our blinds in the living room prompting McGyver (okay okay john) to stick double stick tape all over the window sill in an effort to deter the little minx (i've always wanted to use that term :) ) from getting up there. . breaking our blinds more. .and oh YEAH .. getting seen and getting us in trouble!!!

she's too smart for a cat. . really. . . lol

anyway. . that's about it. . hopefully after weight watchers tonight i'll have a good update to post. . fingers crossed!!! :)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

do over!!!

i call "do over" on yesterday. . you know when you're a kid and you don't get the roll you wanted while playing chutes and ladders or candy land and you call do over?? i wish i could do that for yesterday.

well documented (see a previous post) that I hate most of my coworkers. yesterday was the breaking point. people. .i sit at my desk for lunch. . LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! but no. . .

so.. i was in a bad mood already when i left work. I headed to weight watchers. . jamming down 128 singing very loudly (and badly) to whatever the shuffle setting on my ipod decided to dish out. I was almost at my exit and there was a wicked solar glare. . . people were slowing down. . i slowed down. . . jackass behind me DIDN'T and freakin' rear ended me. So i pulled off into the breakdown lane and did what any reasonable girl would do - CRIED. Got out of the car and realized that the guy who hit me was CUTE (ROFL) and sniffled "can i use your cell phone to call my husband?" - shaking like a leaf the entire time. Cute boy who hit me was VERY nice and we swapped info and all that. Kermie (my car) isn't too badly damaged - just scratches and dents in the bumper; the guy who hit me got most of it. but i was really shaken up and today i cant' really move my head very well. . my neck is KILLING me. :(

so i continued onto weight watchers where i gained 1.4 pounds :( :(

So. . i call "do over" PLEASE???? :)

Thursday, September 15, 2005

the NEW me :)

i got a hair cut :) or . .i got them all cut (hehe)

i really really like it. what do you all think?

meeting goals

I'm a quitter. There I've said it. I don't have a great track record with certain things - weight loss being one of them. I've always given up, given in. . .


I hit (and exceeded) my 10% loss goal at weight watchers last night. I was down 6 pounds (haven't had that big of a loss since the first week). I am down a total of 33.4 pounds!!!!!!!

I don't think that words can express how happy and proud of myself I am. It probably sounds braggy but I seriously want to tell strangers on the street - "hey guess what. .I lost 33.4 pounds and YES the .4 IS important!!!!!!!!"

:) :) :) :)

euphoric is the best way to describe it!

Monday, September 12, 2005

SO funny!!

I am married to a comedian. . no really. . rofl.. okay okay so i'm not. .but john has a really good sense of humor and is constantly making me laugh

usually he's doing something silly or making some dumb face because he knows it will amuse me :)

he's so good to me :)

so it's going to be like 93 here today and i emailed him to say "what do you want for dinner since it's going to be so hot" (and our apartment is an extension of the Gobi desert) and he replies "snow cones"

for some reason that struck me as really funny and i wanted to share it :) :)

he's so funny!!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

word verification . . ON

i know there aren't TONS who read and comment. .but i'm kinda sick of the spam comments. . SO . . word verification is ON :)

if you read. .please comment. . i like validation :) :)


have you guys seen the new Wendy's commercials?? they annoyed the HECK out of me at first. . due to the blessed machine that is Tivo i don't have to watch them. . but now.. i do watch them .. and i LOVE them

you know the ones - the guy who has a RANCH tooth instead of a sweet tooth. .. ??? the tooth follows him around going "RANCH!!!" at every opportunity?? the tooth wears a hat (what is the significance in THAT??)

whoever came up with that tooth is a marketing GENIUS!!!!

anyway. .the RANCH tooth is being sold on ebay. benefit hurricane katrina AND you get a DVD of his commercials!! . . i wish i had 1000.00 for my own RANCH tooth. I *heart* the RANCH tooth

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Where in the world should Amanda and John go?

John and I are attempting to plan a vacation for next year. We don't know where we want to go though. . .

the only 2 things we know are:

1. We can't spend a TON of money

2. I would prefer to do an all-inclusive resort type thing

SO. . any suggestions?? :)

Saturday, September 03, 2005

self esteem boost!!!

we've been summer casual all summer (duh) at work and tuesday we need to start dressing "professionally" again. .i went shopping at lane bryant last night and at first tried on the biggest size in tops. .which was tight at the beginning of the spring/summer i looked like a slob everything was SO big!!!

so. . i got a whole size down in everything i bought!!!

and i tried things on that i had at home and never wore bc they were too tight. . everything FITS here's what i got:

this shirt in the merlot

this shirt in the pink that's shown

these pants

and i never buy jewlery but i LOVED this necklace (it was on the manequin with the pink top)

it probably sounds dumb but it was a huge self-esteem boost and the kick in the butt that i needed to stay motivated!!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Office pet peeves

ah. . how I love the working world. .corporate america. .the crazies that i work with. . .ah. .

now that i have all my *love* (coughcough) out. . it's time for another fun round of:

OFFICE PET PEEVES - disguised as notes to my coworkers {cue cheering crowd}

1. please. . by all means. . come in to work whenever the hell you want. .. i'm sure they were just kidding around when they set your hours as 7:30-5pm . . ..they REALLY meant anywhere from 7:35-8:05 to 4:45 - 4:55 . . promise {wink wink}

2. also. . .it's totally okay for you not to do what you're paid for. . no matter how many times someone tells you that you DO have to do it. . . . again. . they were just kidding

3. yep. .you're the only ones who get a lunch break. . because i choose to sit at my desk and eat my lunch i don't get one. . . .AS IF. . . LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FREAKS!!!!

4. we're all reasonably intelligent people - please learn to put paper in the effin' printer. 'nuff said

5. your incessant humming and snorting of snot into your skull really annoy/gross me out. .try to stop

i feel so much better. . now if only they would FREAKIN' LISTEN