Thursday, September 22, 2005

do over!!!

i call "do over" on yesterday. . you know when you're a kid and you don't get the roll you wanted while playing chutes and ladders or candy land and you call do over?? i wish i could do that for yesterday.

well documented (see a previous post) that I hate most of my coworkers. yesterday was the breaking point. people. .i sit at my desk for lunch. . LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! but no. . .

so.. i was in a bad mood already when i left work. I headed to weight watchers. . jamming down 128 singing very loudly (and badly) to whatever the shuffle setting on my ipod decided to dish out. I was almost at my exit and there was a wicked solar glare. . . people were slowing down. . i slowed down. . . jackass behind me DIDN'T and freakin' rear ended me. So i pulled off into the breakdown lane and did what any reasonable girl would do - CRIED. Got out of the car and realized that the guy who hit me was CUTE (ROFL) and sniffled "can i use your cell phone to call my husband?" - shaking like a leaf the entire time. Cute boy who hit me was VERY nice and we swapped info and all that. Kermie (my car) isn't too badly damaged - just scratches and dents in the bumper; the guy who hit me got most of it. but i was really shaken up and today i cant' really move my head very well. . my neck is KILLING me. :(

so i continued onto weight watchers where i gained 1.4 pounds :( :(

So. . i call "do over" PLEASE???? :)


At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll call it for you girl, "DO OVER FOR AMANDA PLEASE!"


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