Friday, March 31, 2006

my PSA to the Yoplait Yogurt People

dear Yoplait Yogurt people (very creative intro :) ):

i am currently eating your Boston Creme Pie flavored yogurt and would like the following noted for the record:

it is not boston creme pie tasting. .only slightly at best. .if i was served a boston creme pie that tasted like this. . i'd be insulted

the only truth to the name of this yogurt is. . .YOGURT

that is all.

thank you.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I've been a bad, bad blogger

although no one reads my blog so really, what does it matter??!!?? :)


I've had a busy few weeks. . just doing STUFF. . . .

my fabulous new car got rear ended 2 weeks ago. . yep. . it was 2 weeks old. . . . . we're just waiting on the check from the insurance co. and off to the dealer it will go to be fixed.. . poor blu.

belle went to the vet on Saturday for her annual check up and shots extravaganza. . . despite my fears she actually stayed exactly the same weight - 13.2 pounds .. so no CATkins for her. . .but the vet DID find a heart murmur. Not much can be done about it. . so we have a referral for a kitty eeg and ultrasound . .but not sure what to do. it's soooo expensive. . and the vet said if she's really not showing any symptoms that anything weird is going on then it's probably not much to worry about. . . i would really hate to schlep her all the way to North Grafton to the Tufts University Vet school for nothing. . .ya know?

I went clothes shopping this weekend - spent a lot of $$ but i have NO spring clothes that fit. . everything's too big. . .and i bought a button down shirt that is a size 18/20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woo hoo. . last spring the biggest size didn't fit me very well!!!!!! :) :) :)

hmm what else. . .i've been scrapping a LOT (for me anyway :) ). . check out some of my recent stuff over at peas:

so that's it from me. . :) Fraggle OUT :)

Friday, March 03, 2006

Look mom - new hair!!

i figured - i'm down 50 lbs .. why NOT have some new hair to go with it?? :)

i love it :) :)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

BIG {or is it small?} news!!!

well last night at Weight Watchers I FINALLY hit the -50 pound mark!

i've been flirting with it for WEEKS. . .. and i've been losing .2, .4. . etc. and last week i was exactly the same. . not sure what happened but i am OFFICIALLY 50.4 pounds lighter than I was in June :) :)


in other news - i decided on the way to work today that I want to go to Myrtle Beach this summer. .maybe in July. . .anyone know anything about it?? because I don't ROFL :) :)

oh AND. . the car has a name - Blu :)