Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Yankee Swap??!!???

no I am not referring to that ridiculous game that some people insist on foisting on others at the holidays - although I hate that too. . but that's another blog entry :)

I am referring to the signing of Johnny Damon with the Yankees - the evil empire if you will.

I have a few things to say about this:

first off. . . I loved Johnny for a long time - then he started talking more. He started becoming the type of player that believes in his own hype - the "jesus" thing etc. etc. etc. BUT . . like it or not, the guy was the FACE of the team. He embodied that "anything goes" attitude that we LOVE about our guys.

He was reportedly looking for a 7 year deal to stay in Boston and that was the sticking point in the negotiations. Well friends, he didn't get 7 years in pinstripes either - he got 4 years for $52 million - works out to about $13 million a year. The Sox came in with an offer - 4 years for $40 million - $10 million a year. While it's under the Yanks offer - if he wanted to stay in Boston I'm sure he doesn't need the extra 3 million - how much can he spend???

He wanted the glitz of the Yankees and that's all there is to it. . .

what I personally don't understand is how Johnny's gonna fit in the big apple - the Yankees are SO corporate . . . and Damon's not. . .he's gonna need a haircut and a shave first off

well. .. goodbye Johnny - it's been fun and it'll be interesting to see who's replacing you!!!


At 6:53 AM, Blogger Disney Mummy said...

My feeling is "Hey Johnny, don't let the door hit you in the backside." I'm not heartbroken about this. Can't wait for Manny to get going too!

At 4:07 PM, Blogger Kristin said...

see now.. i saw your title and thought "yankee candle swap! very cool!" lol... yeah - i'm not a sports fan *gasp* !!!!! :)

At 7:32 PM, Blogger ~Mel said...

You know what - I'd be bummed that he's leaving if he went to another team but because it's the Yanks I'll cut the hair off for him and give him a Boston Boo when he's back in town.

I'm far more depressed that Millar is gone! Far more!


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