Monday, November 14, 2005

My hidden talents (thoughTs challenge)

since clearly I want to hear Tracey sing. .. here you go!!

My hidden talent is really belongs in quotation marks. “talent” is more like it. I think it’s funny. . my mom thinks it’s funny. . what is it you ask?? It’s nothing USEFUL like playing the piano, or the sitar (hehe).

My hidden talent is. . . I AM the walking commercial. For as long as I can remember I have known pretty much every single commercial out there. And as for the ones with jingles. . yep. . I know the songs too. When I was little apparently I entertained myself for hours just singing them J

With the advent of Tivo in my house I don’t get to see that many commercials. . .but I still know most of them!!

So there you have it. . my hidden talent!!!


At 9:45 PM, Blogger Kristin said...

LOL!! you're too cute! that reminds me that kevin and i used to play the theme song game... we have several CD's of theme songs from movies & tv shows.... for hours we'd just sit and listen and try to guess what show they went to. Too funny :)

At 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My kids do the same thing!! Too funny!


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