{bad days}
we all have them. .those days where we should just stay in bed and hide from the world. increasingly, i have a series of them. the past two days have been my latest "series". i struggle with it. .i really do.. i'm easily influenced and effected by what goes on around me. i'm sensitive and when i'm already not feeling like myself the smallest things set me off. i know these things about myself - yet they haunt me anyway.i don't "do" stress, i don't like it (although . .does anyone really LIKE stress. . some people thrive on it yes. .but like it. i'm not sure. ..but i digress). i'm worried about my mother. . and truly when i have something weighing heavily on me. . it consumes me . . and i know that's not good. . .
so. . .i'm worried to death about mom. . and then compounded by the fact that PK (paperkuts magazine. .scrapbooking mag LOL) pet calls are going out and i haven't gotten a call. (ahead is a feel sorry for me whine). i say it doesn't matter. . that it doesn't bother me. . but it DOES. seriously. . i submitted one of my best pages. . .and if my best isn't good enough. . what does that mean exactly. .that i should just throw in the towel now because it ain't happening. . .
ugh . . . .
on another note. .today is Kerrin's birthday :) my old roomie. . lifelong friend. . i love you. . you're the sister i never had. .i hope you have a great day!
Hang in there, chica! Good things will happen!
Call me anytime you want to chat about your mom. I can only imagine how upset you are.
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